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Review: Two Weeks Notice by Whitney G

To Whom It May Concern:

I am writing this letter to formally announce my resignation from Parker International (& the arrogant, condescending CEO) effective two weeks from today.

This was a VERY EASY decision to make, as the past two years have been utterly miserable. I wish his next executive assistant all the luck in the world (she'll need it) and if my boss should need me to do anything over the next two weeks, kindly tell him that he can do it [his] goddamn self.

Sincerely (Not Really),
Tara Lauren

That's the version of my two weeks' notice I should've sent to my boss, because the more professional version--the one where I said I was "grateful for all the opportunities," and "honored by all the rewarding experiences" over the years?

That letter was rejected with his sexy, trademark smirk and an "I highly suggest you read the fine print of your contract. "

And now I've realized that unless I fake my death, poison him, or find a way to renegotiate my impossible contract, I'm stuck working under one of the cockiest and most ruthless bosses in New York.

Then again, I thought that was the case until he called me late last night with an emergency proposition...

I liked this more than I had expected to. And surprisingly, I found myself craving more. There was just something so entertaining about the story and these characters.

Tara Bradley needs a job desperately. And as much as she needs a job, Preston Parker needs a good executive assistant. And after being caught stealing from his hotels, Preston hires Tara on. And for two years, she puts in hard work – basically living and breathing that job for him. And she finally decides to quit, unfortunately for her there’s a fine print that she didn’t read because she literally couldn’t see it. So, now she’s trapped with her demanding boss and a job that has taken over her entire life.

As much as I liked this book, I do have a few things I’m conflicted on. Tara and Preston had this amazing chemistry. Truly hate to love type of stuff. However, when they finally do start to warm up to each other and not hate each other so much, the book is almost over. There wasn’t enough time for them after the conflict.

Another thing that I’m conflicted on—is the time jumps. I understand the reason for them; however, I wish we spent more than just jumping to a different development in the future. For example, something specific happens between them and then in the next chapter it’s two years later and they still are in the same spot as they were before and it’s very much complicated.

Final Analysis

There were a lot of things trying to be accomplished here with not enough pages.