If you change your contact details we will need to know so we can update our records.
Please let us know if you have changed your bank details.
Please let us know if you have changed your name and/or your marital status has changed.
This is for a previous tax year or a statement of payments for the current tax year.
You can use this form to nominate beneficiaries for your Pension Annuity.
You can use this form to nominate beneficiaries for your Fixed Term Annuity.
If you'd like to nominate someone to discuss your policy/plan with us on your behalf, please complete this form.
Little Book of Cyber Scams
Opens a guide to avoiding cyber scams, courtesy of Operation Sterling, Metropolitan Police Service.
Little Book of Phone Scams
Opens a guide to avoiding phone scams, courtesy of Operation Sterling, Metropolitan Police Service.
Pension and retirement planning
This is a link to the Directgov website which has information on planning your retirement.
Avoiding Scams
Opens Age UK's guide to avoiding scams.